We are holding elections for a new exec team! Anyone is welcome to apply for an exec position. In order to apply, send a short 100-200 word blurb to jhrmcgill@gmail.com explaining who you […]
Following the recent death of Saudi King Abdullah on Jan. 23, the ascendance of his half-brother, King Salman, to the throne has cast new light on the line of succession, […]
As Nigeria nears its Feb. 14th* presidential elections, Boko Haram continues to expand its stronghold in the north in the course of its crusade to establish an Islamic state. Its […]
Protests over the disappearance of 43 students spread from Iguala to Mexico City, calling for an accelerated government investigation and the demise of the President, Enrique Peña Neito. On September […]
In Brazil, many of the poor living in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas are being forcibly evicted from their homes due to the process of expansion initiated by the World Cup […]
Two months since the beginning of the Hong Kong protests, what began as an energetic and widely-backed movement that captured international attention has largely collapsed in the face of continued […]
Amid the chaos from the Syrian Civil War as well as rising violence from Islamic State (IS) militants, millions of Syrians are being forced to flee their homes. Since the […]
At the beginning of October, 17-year-old Malala Yousafzai became the youngest person ever to win a Nobel Peace Prize. She is the first person to receive the Children’s Prize for […]
After a 26-year-old women claimed she was assaulted by a taxi driver in Notre-Dame-de-Grace on October 9, concerns have been raised over Montreal’s taxi industry and the safety of female […]