jhr 2011-2012 Executive Elections: Call for Candidates

Submissions of Candidacy DUE: Sunday March 27th, 5pm
Elections: Wednesday March 30th, 5:30pm in the Break Out Room (2nd floor of SSMU)
We’ve had an amazing year at jhr McGill, and it’s time to elect next year’s executive. Any SSMU student is eligible to run  and to vote as long as you are on our listserv and/or one of our media or events teams.
To celebrate one of our accomplishments this year, we’ll be kicking off elections event by showcasing our TV team’s short documentary on tuition hikes.

The positions are:
VP Internal
VP Advocacy
VP Events
VP Newspaper
VP Layout
VP Radio
VP Communications

The descriptions of the positions from our constitution are below. You can also check out http://jhrmcgill.wordpress.com/meet-the-exec/ to see profiles of the current exec members. If you have any questions about any of the portfolios, please feel welcome to email them to jhrmcgill@gmail.com.

To submit your candidacy, please send a short blurb (under 200 words) of why you would like to run and why you think you would do a good job tojhrmcgill@gmail.com by Sunday, March 27th at 5pm with the subject line “Candidate: Position” (e.g. “Candidate: VP Layout”). We will email out these statements in advance of the elections. Voting will take place in person on March 30th after 5:30pm in the Break Out Room (2nd floor of SSMU).
Elected candidates will be expected to attend a transition meeting in April (don’t worry, we’ll try to schedule it around everyone’s exams…).
From the jhr McGill Constitution:
5.1 The role of the Chapter President is to:
• Represent JHR and act as a liaison between the Chapter and the Head Office
• Act as chairperson for all general meetings and executive meetings
• Co-sign financial transactions with the treasurer
• Coordinate the overall activities of the club
• Maintain the accessibility of the club to all members
5.2 The role of the VP Communications is to:
• Maintain a detailed list of Chapter members
• Provide notice of Chapter and executive meetings
• Keep minutes and distribute agendas at executive and general meetings
• Maintain the JHR McGill Chapter website, listserv, and social media with current information to ensure accessibility of the club to all members
• Coordinate publicity for JHR events and opportunities to promote JHR throughout the McGill community
• Keep all club graphics, artwork, and documents on file
5.3 The role of the VP Internal is to:
• Ensure financial transparency of the club
• Research potential grants, sponsorships and donors
• Prepare financial statements to be submitted to JHR and to SSMU
• Prepare and maintain a budget for the year
• Collect receipts for out-of-pocket expenditures and issue reimbursement
• Keep all receipts/statements for the incoming VP Internal
• Co-sign all financial/legal transactions with the President
• Prepare applications for grants and subsidies internally and externally
• Collect any member fees approved by the Executive Committee
• Conduct all activities and responsibilities concerning the SSMU (e.g. room bookings, audits, office request forms, etc.)
5.4 The role of the VP Advocacy is to:
• Act as a representative to the JHR McGill Chapter outside of the university, as well as to other clubs and services related to the mandate
• Coordinate educational events with the VP Events
• Coordinate advocacy campaigns either solely or in conjunction with other human rights groups
• Support reporting on current human rights issues by the Newspaper, Radio, and TV teams
5.5 The role of VP Events is to:
• Coordinate educational events (e.g. speaker panels and film screenings) with the VP Advocacy
• Organize fundraisers (e.g. samosa sales, parties, and pub nights)
5.6 The role of VP Newspaper is to:
• Organize the publication of the chapter newspaper
• Coordinate article submission and editing
5.7  The role of VP Layout is to:
• Coordinate the layout and photo selection of the chapter publication [knowledge of InDesign extremely helpful!]
5.8 The role of VP Radio is to:
• Coordinate the creation of radio shows
• Ensure that radio team members receive the necessary CKUT training
5.9 The role of VP Television is to:
• Coordinate the creation of human rights documentaries
• Ensure that TV team members receive the necessary training



By Jhr McGill

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